Monday, December 21, 2009

My Christmas TreeS

How to obtain a Christmas tree in PNG:

1) Go for a run and keep a careful watch on your surroundings, looking out for any stray pine branches.

2) As soon as you find a nice large branch laying in a field, put it over your shoulder and drag it away before a wild animal eats it. (OK, I don't know of any wild animals in PNG that actually eat pine branches . . . but you just can't afford to take any risks.)

3) Cut it up into several manageable pieces and wire them together with an old coat hanger.

4) Put the whole bundle in a laundry soap bottle surrounded by rocks, resting in a hanging flower pot, and then do your best to cover up the whole contraption.



Emily said...

beautiful. We just ended up with construction paper taped to the wall in India :)

Megan said...

nice! I wasn't sure if you had pine trees over there. This year, we didn't get a chistmas tree for our small apartment, so I put Christmas ornaments on my potted pineapple tree-- it looks great! :)