Monday, January 25, 2010

Surveyors should not operate cranes

People often say to me, "Oh, I could never do what you do!" Hmmmm . . . that may or may not be true, but when I think about what so many of my friends here do, I think the exact same thing about their jobs. Sharlene is the principal of the elementary school here . . . I would be a truly terrible principal. Joy and Liz go out to a village, play with kids all day, tell them about Jesus and invent educational games and puzzles for them . . . more power to them! Jamie is a pilot . . . any of you who have been around when my nonexistent sense of direction was being exercised will be deeply thankful that I don't try to fly you anywhere. Vico, Chad and Paul fix people's computers . . . the fact that I am one of their most faithful customers should tell you something right there! Donna and Esther teach high school . . . something I can't even imagine doing. Give me a backpack, a mosquito net, and a blank wordlist, and I'm good to go. But if I had to fly a plane, teach teenagers, deal with computers, or run a school . . . well, I would tremble, and you should too. I guess I just think it's cool that we all have such different jobs that are all so necessary . . . and I think it's cool that so many of us love our own jobs but can't imagine doing anyone else's. That's the body of Christ.

(Briefly thought about becoming a crane operator and promptly decided against it.)

1 comment:

Gia Cobbis said...

Hello! Just blogspotting. Great blog! I bookmarked it.

Happy blogging! :)