Monday, December 8, 2008

A sad day

Today Tiffany, a good friend, left. We were in the same orientation group at the start of 2007 and have been friends ever since. I just got back from seeing her off at our airstrip. In typical style, things didn’t go to plan...the plane had a radio problem and so takeoff was delayed for two hours; two small Cessna 206s were used instead of the larger Islander. As we stood 15 meters away from the plane lifting up into the air someone standing nearby commented, ‘Well, I guess it comes with the territory.’ Saying goodbye, leaving and being left: some of the things I dislike most about this vocation. As I said, ‘see you later’ to her I immediately wondered if I ever would. Probably not.

Life goes on; and the cycle of meeting new friends and colleagues and, sometime later, parting ways continues. I wonder if I’ll ever get used to it.

Meanwhile, in the survey office we discuss whether we should go on survey on Saturday. We had a last minute request for a survey in Madang province. However, it looks like it makes more sense to delay it until February when we have more personnel who can come (at the moment it would be just me). In that case, I’m going to continue analysing the data collected on our last survey to the Benabena people. Another day in the office!

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